Become a member?
The ‘spotlight on neuroendocrine cancer’ campaign is a collaboration between UKINETS & NCUK which aims to raise awareness of neuroendocrine cancer among non-NC specialist healthcare professionals (HCPs). We have created a series of overviews for different healthcare disciplines. The aim of these is to act as a bite-size, practical educational aid to support HCPs.
We have just completed overviews for GPs, gastroenterologists, endocrinologists, general surgeons and oncologists. Please support us to disseminate these to your colleagues.
Explore Winchester Hospital (the Hampshire Hospitals NET Service)
Explore Basingstoke and North Hampshire Hospital (the Hampshire Hospitals NET Service)
Explore University Hospital Southampton: Wessex Neuroendocrine Tumour Group
Explore University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire, The ARDEN NET Centre
Explore Sheffield Teaching Hospitals European Neuroendocrine Tumour Centre of Excellence
Explore Liverpool Neuroendocrine Tumour Service (Royal Liverpool)