UKI NETS 2024 – Abstracts


Abstract submissions for the UKI NETS 22nd Annual Conference is now open!

Submit your abstract


The deadline for abstract submission is Sunday 22nd September 2024 (23:59 GMT).

Abstracts must be a maximum of 350 words.

Authors will be informed if their paper has been accepted in mid-October.

Abstracts from the annual UKI NETS Conference are published within Endocrine Abstracts – a fully citable, online collection of all the abstracts presented at the Conference. View the UKI NETS 2023 abstracts here.

Abstracts will be presented as either Oral Communications or as printed Posters. Posters will be available to view in person throughout the Conference. They will not be available post-event.

If you have any questions regarding your abstract, or wish to withdraw a submitted abstract, please contact [email protected].