Congratulations to all the winners of Poster prizes, Oral Presentations, the new NET Hero awards from NCUK and the Pump Priming Grants, which were all awarded at the UKINETS Annual Conference in Cardiff on 2nd December 2024. A special congratulations to Prof John Ramage, who was awarded a Lifetime Achievement Award.
1st Poster Prize
Vina Soran Poster No: P30
Malnourished patients with GEP-NETs, how does this develop in 5 years
2nd Poster Prize
Elisabetta Dell’Unto Poster No: P8
The indolent behaviour of type 1 gastric neuroendocrine tumours smaller than 1 cm: a single western center experience
3rd Poster Prize
Zaira Rehman Poster No: P31
Retrospective study evaluating factors influencing cancer recurrence following surgical resection of pancreatic neuroendocrine tumours (PanNETs)
Best Oral Presentation
Mohamed Mortagy Oral Communications number: OC4
Clustering of gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasms (GEP-NEN) using machine learning (ML) and comparison with Tumour, Node, Metastasis (TNM) staging: a retrospective, population-based study using Surveillance, Epidemiology, and end results (SEER)
UKI NETS & Neuroendocrine Cancer UK Pump Priming Grant
Prof Krista Rombouts for:
Role of Tumour Microenvironment in SI-NETs: full characterisation of an innovative human-derived 3D ECM SI-NET model and proof of concept study
UKI NETS & Neuroendocrine Cancer UK Pump Priming Grant
Dr Melissa Frizziero for:
Feasibility of cell-free DNA methylation profiling for minimally invasive cancer detection and classification in patients with well-differentiated neuroendocrine tumours
Lifetime Achievement Award
Prof John Ramage
The Christie nuclear medicine team
NCUK Doctor/Surgeon
Martyn Caplin
NCUK Heroes Nurse
Anthony Thomas
- Prof John Ramage, Mohamed Mortagy, Prof Martyn Caplin and Dr Melissa Frizziero being awared prizes by outgoing UKINETS Chair Mark Pritchard